Second Year of Veterinary School

I spent this summer working as a technician at Park East Animal Hospital. It was truly one of the best work experiences and summers of my life. The doctors there were so supportive of my learning and constantly quizzed me on all of the skills that I learned in my first year of veterinary school and helped me to refine the skills that needed improvement.
After a great summer I am back at Western University for my second year of veterinary school. Although I could have never imagined school being harder then it was last year, it definately is! Their have been a lot of positive changes to the curriculum to make it stronger, however in doing so I will be in class for more hours every week and will have an additional final exam in clinical skills. In the two weeks that I have been back to school I have been overwhelmed with work. Take today's schedule for example:
8-10am Grand Rounds
10-12am Problem Based Learning
12-1pm Lunch Seminar
1-3pm Molecular and Cellular Biology
3-4pm Independent Study
4-5pm Surgery Skills
Tonight I have three post-lab clinical skills assignments to complete, each of which is expected to take an hour to do. Then I have to write a paper for my study group on The Role of Pharmacokinetics in the Renal System. After that, I have to read and memorize a 28 page paper on AAHA's Vaccine Guidelines for the quiz that I am having tomorrow. Then if their is time I have to do some actual studying for the current PBL Case dealing with Ectopic Ureters. By Friday I am expected to know the Pathophysiology of Pyelonephritis, the Embryology of th Urogenital System, Surgical Approaches to Ectopic Ureters, How to perform and interpret Urograms, and the Anatomy and Physiology of the Urogenital System among a few other smaller learning issues.
So as you can see I have been very busy studying a lot!
The picture above is of my last day at Park East Animal Hospital. My co-workers were so amazing that they even went out and bought me a going away cake.