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Laurie at Vet School
By - SendLaurietoVetSchool.com

Thursday, August 18, 2005


Here is a picture of my roomate James' dog Cocoa, she likes to hang out on the floor in my room while I am studying.

I forgot to mention that I have also joined 2 clubs so far.....
On Tuesday I joined the student chapter of SCAVMA and then today I joined the shelter club. My roomate Brandon and I are going to be fostering/socializing a feral kitten and then will be putting it up for adoption.

Study, study, study

Sorry that I haven't updated this section in awhile but school has been very difficult. Both last week and this week's case has dealt with the musculoskeletal system of the dog and cat which basically means that I need to know every bone, muscle (superficial and deep) and their origin, insertion, action and innervation (the nerve supply). And if that isn't enough we are also supposed to know the histology, physiology and pathophysiology of bone growth and repair. Oh and I forgot to mention the pharmokinetics involved in this area and the surgical approaches. So you can see why I have been too busy to write.
I think that I have learned more in the first 2 weeks of veterinary school then I did during my 4 years of undergrad. A lot of people have already had breakdowns but no one has dropped out. I usually get to campus between 8 or 9 am and stay until the veterinary building closes at midnight.
To get my mind off of vet stuff, I am learning Spanish by listening to a CD on my drive to and from school. Here's a glimpse of what I've learned so far: Hablo castellano un poco.

Sunday, August 07, 2005

White Coat Ceremony

Yesterday was our White Coat Ceremony which is when all of the veterinary students recieve their white coats. When we graduate we will be given our longer DVM coats. It was a really nice ceremony. The keynote speaker, Dean Michael Blackwell, DVM, MPH gave a really great speach about public health. It gave me a new perspective of veterinary medicine.
After the ceremony their was a lunch at the school and I got to show my parents around the college and my PBL (problem based learning) classroom which I will be in for the next 8 weeks.
Classes start tomorrow morning at 8am.

Tuesday, August 02, 2005


The first 2 days of orientation has been focused around Team Building. All of the DVM 2009 students went to a Team Building course led by Reality Check. http://www.ropescourse.com/index1.html
It has been such a loooong 2 days and I am exhausted!
Everyone in the class seems really nice and I have made some new friends.