A relaxing long weekend!

Henry and Steve came to visit me over the long weekend. It was perfect timing because I had just finished my first quarter and exam week so their was nothing to study. On Friday I took Henry to the Yardhouse after my last exam for lunch with the rest of my class. Afterwards we drove to Santa Monica and Venice Beach in his rented Mustang Convertable, then we headed up the Pacific Pallisades to Malibu where we saw the sunset over the ocean and had dinner at this secluded restaurant on the water.
Steve flew in at midnight. On Saturday we took the Mustang down the Pacific Pallisades to San Diego where we stayed with Andrew and Dave (friends from UMASS who moved to Cali in August). We toured the city and spent the following day at the beach. The water was freezing (most people were wearing wetsuits) and the waves were big but we went swimming anyway. On Monday we drove up north to Santa Barbara. So far Santa Barbara is my favorite place in California, it's this cute little beach town surrounded by mountains. On our way home we stopped at a small pumpkin patch to pick a pumpkin. Henry and Steve left late on a midnight flight that night and I started my second quarter of veterinary school on 8am Tuesday morning!
The picture above was taken on the Pacific Pallisades on our way to Malibu.
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