Labor Day Weekend

A couple of my fellow veterinary students and I actually took some time off this weekend to do something other then study. On Saturday we went to West Hollywood and walked around. Sunday was spent studying some more but at 11pm a bunch of us loaded up our surf boards onto our cars and drove to San Onofre Beach. We camped out overnight and woke up in the morning to miles of beach and surf. It was my first time using my Mini-malibu board. It was a lot different then the long boards that I have surfed on in the past. While I didn't actually get to stand and ride a wave on my new board I still had a great time. The waves weren't huge but they were definately bigger then the east coast. All of the sufers at this spot were also super friendly. After a long day on the beach I went back home to study study study.
This weeks case in school introduces us to Neurology and while its nice to finally have a break from the thoracic and pelvic limb it's still a difficult subject to grasp.
I can't wait for this weekend, Steve is coming to visit. Also, the Los Angeles county fair starts, for all you east coasters it's the equivilent of the Big E! Well I have to go learn all of the cranial nerves but I will write again soon.
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