Last Block of PBL!
The picture is from the Bull Riding Activity from SAVMA Symposium. (From Left to Right: Bree, Me, Marlene and Alex).
I survived another round of exams! I can't believe that this is my last block of Problem Based Learning and that I will be out on rotations in 7 weeks. The first 2 years of veterinary flew by! It is only the second week of the block and I can't stress enough how much harder it is compared with the last year and a half of school. Instead on having only 1 case per week, we have already done 3 cases in 2 weeks. On top of the extra case we have taken an ethical exam along with a critical thinking test and spent an entire day at the California Regional Educational Symposium. Next week I have a clinical competancy oral exam, to make sure that my communication skills are strong enough for rotations. I also have a clinical competancy exam on performing a physical exam on large animals later in the block. In addition to all of this, I am also taking a bunch of weekend and evening wet labs such as Dental Techniques and Emergency Techniques to help me prepare for rotations.
While I am very stressed with the amount of work that I have, I am also extremely excited to be getting out of the classroom and working in real practices. In the next week or so, I will be choosing my rotation order for my third year of veterinary school. Yesterday I had my very last rotation at Hills Wellness Center (only 1st and 2nd years rotate through this site). It feels like just yesterday was my first rotation there.
For Spring Break I went to the Student American Veterinary Medical Association Symposium (SAVMA) in North Carolina. Each year the SAVMA symposium is held at a different veterinary school and allows students from all different schools to get together to compete in academics and sports. Their are also tons of lectures given by some of the top veterinarians in the country. This year I got to meet Dr. Ettinger, who wrote THE BOOK on Small Animal Internal Medicine. He gave a really inspiring lecture on what to do when we graduate vet school, in terms of internships, externships and residencies.
Well I have to get back to learning about all of the disorders of the equine tarsus, I will write again when I get a free second.
so um, i was just wondering if this blog was no longer being updated...
Tayaki, at 3:03 PM
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